Connecting people, Saving Rivers

Since 1988, River Network has been at the forefront of expanding national interest in protecting the waters of our country, encouraging diversity in the environmental movement, and helping engaged community members and local organizations take a stand for their waters.

How We Count. Our strength lies in connecting river and water champions around the country with each other and to solutions that work, empowering them to make a difference, and expanding their influence. We are the only national organization that serves this specific role related to clean water, ample water, and strong champions. We offer river and water champions one-on-one mentoring and consulting, trainings, conferences and events to strengthen their efforts; convene river and watershed groups for greater impact at larger scales (system, state, regional, national); and increase the implementation of practical water management solutions. Our staff includes scientists, water management and policy experts, lawyers, and others who have a passion for helping rivers and people.

The challenges local river champions face today are more complex than ever before. Over half of the waters in the US are of poor quality and cannot support healthy aquatic life. A growing number of watersheds are stressed because our demand for water is exceeding natural supply. We can and must do more not only to protect and restore our waterways but also to support the local heroes essential to guaranteeing a future of affordable clean water and healthy rivers for all.